
Хром (Cr), химический элемент VI группы периодической  системы  Менделеева.      Относится к  переходным  металлом  с атомным номером 24  и атомной массой 51,996.  В  переводе с греческого,  название металла  означает  «цвет».  Такому названию металл    обязан разнообразной  цветовой гамме,  которая присуща его различным      соединениям.

Внешний вид хрома

 Физические характеристики хрома

Металл обладает достаточной твердостью и хрупкостью одновременно. По шкале Мооса твердость хрома  оценивается в 5,5. Этот показатель означает, что хром имеет максимальную твердость из всех известных на сегодня  металлов, после урана, иридия, вольфрама и бериллия. Для простого вещества хрома характерен голубовато-белый  окрас.

Физические свойства хрома
Атомный номер 24
Атомная масса 51,996
Плотность, кг/м³ 7190
Температура плавления, °С 1856
Теплоемкость, кДж/(кг·°С) 0,46
Электроотрицательность 1,6
Ковалентный радиус, Å 1,18
1-й ионизац. потенциал, эв 6,76

Металл не относится к редким элементам. Его концентрация в земной коре достигает 0,02% масс. долей. В чистом виде хром не встречается никогда. Он содержится в минералах и рудах, которые являются главным источником добычи металла. Хромит (хромистый железняк, FeO*Cr2O3) считается основным соединением хрома. Еще одним достаточно распространенным, однако менее важным минералом, является крокоит PbCrO4.

Металл легко поддается плавке при температуре 19070С (21800К или 34650F). При температуре в 26720С – закипает. Атомная масса металла составляет 51,996 г/моль.

Хром является уникальным металлом благодаря своим магнитным свойствам. В условиях комнатной температуры ему присуще антиферромагнитное упорядочение, в то время, как другие металлы обладают им в условиях исключительно пониженных температур. Однако, если хром нагреть выше 370С, физические свойства хрома изменяются. Так, существенно меняется электросопротивление и коэффициент линейного расширения, модуль упругости достигает минимального значения, а внутреннее трение значительно увеличивается. Такое явление связано с прохождением точки Нееля, при которой антиферромагнитные свойства материала способны изменяться на парамагнитные. Это означает, что первый уровень пройден, и вещество резко увеличилось в объеме.

Строение хрома представляет собой объемно-центрированную решетку, благодаря которой металл характеризуется температурой хрупко-вязкого периода. Однако, в случае с данным металлом, огромное значение имеет степень чистоты, поэтому, величина находится в пределах -500С - +3500С. Как показывает практика, раскристаллизированный металл не имеет никакой пластичности, но мягкий отжиг и формовка делают его ковким.

Химические свойства хрома

Атом имеет следующую внешнюю конфигурацию: 3d54s1. Как правило, в соединениях хром имеет следующие степени окисления: +2, +3, +6, среди которых наибольшую устойчивость проявляет Сr3+.Кроме этого существуют и другие соединения, в которых хром проявляет совершенно иную степень окисления, а именно: +1, +4, +5.

Металл не отличается особой химической активностью. Во время нахождения хрома в обычных условиях, металл проявляет устойчивость к влаге и кислороду. Однако, данная характеристика не относится к соединению хрома и фтора – CrF3, которое при воздействии температур, превышающих 6000С, взаимодействует с парами воды, образуя в результате реакции Сr2О3, а также азотом, углеродом и серой.

Во время нагревания металлического хрома, он взаимодействует с галогенами, серой, кремнием, бором, углеродом, а также некоторыми другими элементами, в результате чего получаются следующие химические реакции хрома:

Cr + 2F2 = CrF4 (с примесью CrF5)

2Cr + 3Cl2 = 2CrCl3

2Cr + 3S = Cr2S3

Хроматы можно получить, если нагреть хром с расплавленной содой на воздухе, нитратами или хлоратами щелочных металлов:

2Cr + 2Na2CO3 + 3O2 = 2Na2CrO4 + 2CO2.

Виды хрома

Хром не обладает токсичностью, чего нельзя сказать о некоторых его соединениях. Как известно, пыль данного металла, при попадании в организм, может раздражать легкие, через кожу она не усваивается. Но, поскольку в чистом виде он не встречается, то его попадание в человеческий организм является невозможным.

Трехвалентный хром попадает в окружающую среду во время добычи и переработки хромовой руды. В человеческий организм попадание хрома вероятно в виде пищевой добавки, используемой в программах по похудению. Хром с валентностью, равной +3, является активным участником синтеза глюкозы. Ученые установили, что излишнее употребление хрома особого вреда человеческому организму не наносит, поскольку не происходит его всасывание, однако, он способен накапливаться в организме.

Соединения, в котором участвует шестивалентный металл, являются крайне токсичными. Вероятность их попадания в человеческий организм появляется во время производства хроматов, хромирования предметов, во время проведения некоторых сварочных работ. Попадание такого хрома в организм чревато серьезными последствиями, так как соединения, в которых присутствует шестивалентный элемент, представляют собой сильные окислители. Поэтому, могут вызвать кровотечение в желудке и кишечнике, иногда с прободением кишечника. При попадании таких соединений на кожу возникают сильные химические реакции в виде ожогов, воспалений, возникновения язв.

В зависимости от качества хрома, которое необходимо получить на выходе, существует несколько способов производства металла: электролизом концентрированных водных растворов оксида хрома, электролизом сульфатов, а также восстановлением оксидом кремния. Однако, последний способ не очень популярен, так как при нем на выходе получается хром с огромным количеством примесей. Кроме того, он также является экономически невыгодным.

Характерные степени окисления хрома
Степень окисления Оксид Гидроксид Характер Преобладающие формы в растворах Примечания
+2 CrO (чёрный) Cr(OH)2 (желтый) Основный Cr2+ (соли голубого цвета) Очень сильный восстановитель


Cr2O3 (зелёный) Cr(OH)3 (серо-зеленый) Амфотерный

Cr3+ (зеленые или лиловые соли)
[Cr(OH)4]- (зелёный)

+4 CrO2 не существует Несолеобразующий -

Встречается редко, малохарактерна

+6 CrO3 (красный)



CrO42- (хроматы, желтые)
Cr2O72- (дихроматы, оранжевые)

Переход зависит от рН среды. Сильнейший окислитель, гигроскопичен, очень ядовит.

10 февраля, понедельник
Имя: italetsegb
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Adobe Photoshop CC 2024 pre-activated version offers a comprehensive set of tools for professional-grade image editing, graphic design, and digital art creation. With its advanced features and user-friendly interface, it empowers users to achieve their creative visions effortlessly. Download now to experience the cutting-edge capabilities of Adobe Photoshop CC 2024.
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10 февраля, понедельник
Имя: Robertthype
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11 февраля, вторник
Имя: Brucebaw
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Adobe Illustrator CC is the industry-standard vector graphics software that enables you to create stunning logos, icons, drawings, typography, and illustrations for various media, including print, web, video, and mobile. This pre-activated offline installer, along with a portable version, offers a seamless installation experience for professional designers and artists.

Overview of Adobe Illustrator CC:
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With features like package files, you can bundle all necessary fonts and graphics in one folder for easy sharing. Additionally, Illustrator supports multi-page PDF documents with layers, ensuring your designs are ready for print.

Key Features of Adobe Illustrator CC:
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System Requirements and Technical Details:
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon 64 processor
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 with Service Pack 1, Windows 8.1, or Windows 10
RAM: 2 GB (8 GB recommended) for 64-bit
Hard Disk Space: 2 GB of available space for installation; additional free space required during installation (cannot install on removable flash storage devices)
Display: 1024 x 768 display (1280 x 800 recommended)
Adobe Illustrator CC is an essential tool for graphic designers and artists, offering powerful vector graphic creation capabilities. With its comprehensive features and support for various formats, Illustrator ensures your designs are versatile and professional. Download the pre-activated offline installer and portable version to enhance your creative workflow.
11 февраля, вторник
Имя: allxvalge

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Имя: Stephenvak
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Имя: Merletaw

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12 февраля, среда
Имя: BennyBof
Overview of Adobe Acrobat Reader DC
Adobe Acrobat Reader DC is connected to the Adobe Document Cloud, making it easier than ever to work across computers and mobile devices. It's the only PDF viewer that can open and interact with all types of PDF content, including forms and multimedia.

Adobe Acrobat Reader DC is a reimagined desktop version of the world's best PDF solution. With it, you can create, export, edit, and track PDFs from anywhere, staying connected to recent files across all your devices.

One of the standout features of Adobe Reader DC is its ability to work with CAD designs and geospatial maps converted to Portable Document Format. The application also offers a comprehensive file-searching engine that finds any element within a PDF file in seconds.

The Preferences area allows you to modify various settings, including comments, 3D and multimedia, measuring and reading options, and spelling or page unit configurations.

Features of Adobe Acrobat Reader DC
Clean Feature Lineup: Easy-to-use interface with powerful features.
Supported File Formats and Fast Searches: Efficiently handles various PDF files and quickly locates specific elements.
Security Tools: Protects your documents with advanced security features.
Configuration Settings: Customize settings for comments, multimedia, measurements, and more.
A Top PDF Viewer on the Market: Trusted by millions of users worldwide.
System Requirements and Technical Details
Supported OS: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7
RAM (Memory): 2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended)
Free Hard Disk Space: 2 GB or more
How to Download and Install Adobe Acrobat Reader DC 2024
Download: Use the provided direct download or torrent links to download the Adobe Acrobat Reader DC 2024 installer for Windows.
Install: Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
Launch: Open Adobe Acrobat Reader DC and start viewing, signing, commenting on, and sharing your PDFs.
Adobe Acrobat Reader DC 2024 is the ultimate PDF viewer for all your document needs. With its comprehensive features and user-friendly interface, it is perfect for both personal and professional use. Download Adobe Acrobat Reader DC 2024 today and experience the best PDF solution available.
12 февраля, среда
Имя: Robertthype
Overview of Topaz Labs AI Gigapixel
Topaz Labs AI Gigapixel is the first and only desktop application to use the power of artificial intelligence to enlarge your images while adding natural details for a sharper and more impressive result. This advanced software can use deep learning technology to enlarge images and fill in details that other resizing products leave out, providing breathtakingly sharp prints, high-resolution cropping, and more.

Key Benefits of Topaz Labs AI Gigapixel
AI Gigapixel stands out due to its ability to enlarge images up to 600% while maintaining the quality, clarity, and image details. This capability makes it ideal for various applications, including:

High DPI image conversions for large prints.
Enlarging extensive crops into existing photos for perfect composition.
Enhancing images taken from drones or smartphones.
Making iPhone photos look like they were taken with a DSLR.
Features of Topaz Labs AI Gigapixel
Resize Images to Desired Size: Easily resize images without losing quality.
Maintain Quality, Clarity, and Image Details: Ensures that the resized images retain their original details and sharpness.
Batch Resizing: Change the size of a batch of images simultaneously.
High Scale Enlargement: Scale images up to 600%.
System Requirements and Technical Details
Supported OS: Windows 7/8/10/11
RAM: 8 GB RAM (16 GB recommended)
GPU VRAM: 2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended)
Free Hard Disk Space: 10 GB or more
How to Download and Install Topaz Labs AI Gigapixel
Download: Click on the provided download link to get the Topaz Labs AI Gigapixel installer for Windows.
Install: Open the downloaded installer file and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process.
Launch: Once installed, launch Topaz Labs AI Gigapixel and start enhancing your images.
Topaz Labs AI Gigapixel is an essential tool for photographers and graphic designers who need to upscale their images without losing quality. Its use of artificial intelligence ensures that the enlarged images retain their natural details and sharpness, making it the best photo enlargement product available. Download Topaz Labs AI Gigapixel for Windows today and experience the power of AI in image resizing.
12 февраля, среда
Имя: Shawnpearp
Overview of Topaz Adjust AI
Topaz Adjust AI is an advanced photo enhancement software that leverages the power of artificial intelligence to transform your photos into stunning works of art. This tool analyzes and enhances colors, shadows, details, and more, making your photos as vivid and dynamic as intended—all in one simple step. Adjust AI can be used as a standalone application or as a plugin for Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom, and Topaz Studio.

Benefits of Topaz Adjust AI
Topaz Adjust AI uses machine learning to analyze and transform ordinary photos into vibrant, detailed images with minimal effort. It is the fastest way to achieve clarity, detail, contrast, and an eye-catching aesthetic without the need for manual adjustments. Whether you are a professional photographer or an enthusiast, Adjust AI brings out the best in your images, making them more engaging and lively.

Key Features of Topaz Adjust AI
AI-Powered Enhancements: Leverages machine learning to enhance colors, shadows, details, and contrast.
One-Click Adjustments: Apply contemporary, one-of-a-kind aesthetics to your photos with a single click using the signature preset collection.
Detail Enhancement: Uses a fundamentally different approach to enhance details without introducing artifacts and halos.
Dynamic Range and Contrast: Intelligently enhances contrast and dynamic range using proprietary technology.
Supports Various File Types: Compatible with RAW files (DNG, CR, ARW, ORF), PNG, TIFF, and JPEG.
Technical Details and System Requirements
Supported OS: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7 (64-bit)
Processor: Multi-core Intel i5 Series or above, Xeon or AMD equivalent
RAM: 8GB (16GB or more recommended)
GPU VRAM: 2GB (4GB recommended)
Free Hard Disk Space: 4GB (8GB or more recommended)
How to Download and Install Topaz Adjust AI
Download: Click on the provided download link to get the Topaz Adjust AI installer for Windows.
Install: Open the downloaded installer file and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process.
Launch: Once installed, launch Topaz Adjust AI and start enhancing your photos with powerful AI-driven tools and effects.
Topaz Adjust AI is an essential tool for photographers looking to elevate their images with minimal effort. Its AI-powered enhancements and user-friendly interface make it easy to achieve professional-looking results. Whether you want to add clarity, detail, contrast, or vibrant colors, Adjust AI has you covered. Download Topaz Adjust AI today and experience the future of photo enhancement.
12 февраля, среда
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12 февраля, среда
Имя: SheilaHof
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12 февраля, среда
Имя: KennethDug
Free Download Adobe Photoshop CC 2024 Pre-Activated
Adobe Photoshop CC 2024 is the premier imaging and graphic design software, renowned for its powerful tools and advanced features that cater to photographers, designers, and artists. This version comes pre-activated, providing a hassle-free installation experience, and includes a portable version for added convenience.

Overview of Adobe Photoshop CC 2024:
Adobe Photoshop CC 2024 offers the most advanced tools for image editing and creative design, significantly enhancing performance and usability. This version allows users to edit images with exceptional precision and provides intuitive tools for creating 3D graphics, 2D projects, and films. Whether you’re a professional photographer, a graphic designer, or an illustrator, Photoshop CC 2024 has everything you need to bring your creative ideas to life.

Key Features of Adobe Photoshop CC 2024:
Frame Tool for Easy Masking: Quickly create and manage image masks.
Content-Aware Fill Reimagined: Improved tool for seamless object removal and background replacement.
New Multiple Undo Mode: Enhanced undo functionality for efficient editing.
Usability Improvements: Streamlined interface and workflow enhancements.
Transform Proportionally by Default: Easier scaling of objects while maintaining proportions.
Prevent Accidental Panel Moves with Lock Workspace: Secure your workspace layout.
Live Blend Mode Preview: Instantly see the effects of blend modes on your image.
Symmetry Mode: Create perfectly symmetrical patterns and designs.
Color Wheel to Choose Colors: Easily select and experiment with colors.
Improved In-App Learning: Enhanced tutorials and guides within the application.
Preference to Increase UI Size: Customize the interface size for better visibility.
Support for Southeast Asian Scripts: Expanded language support.
Modernized Compositing Engine: Improved performance for complex projects.
System Requirements and Technical Details:
Processor: Intel or AMD processor with 64-bit support; 2 GHz or faster processor
Operating System: Windows 10 or later
RAM: 2 GB or more of RAM (8 GB recommended)
Hard Disk Space: 3.1 GB or more of available hard disk space for 64-bit installation; additional free space required during installation (cannot install on a volume that uses a case-sensitive file system)
Monitor Resolution: 1024 x 768 display (1280 x 800 recommended) with 16-bit color and 512 MB or more of dedicated VRAM; 2 GB is recommended
Graphics Processor Acceleration Requirements: OpenGL 2.0-capable system
Adobe Photoshop CC 2024 pre-activated version offers a comprehensive set of tools for professional-grade image editing, graphic design, and digital art creation. With its advanced features and user-friendly interface, it empowers users to achieve their creative visions effortlessly. Download now to experience the cutting-edge capabilities of Adobe Photoshop CC 2024.
12 февраля, среда
Имя: kypit viagry_zupa
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13 февраля, четверг
Имя: RichardSag
Overview of Adobe Substance Designer
Adobe Substance 3D Designer is an ultimate 3D material authoring and scan processing tool, widely recognized as the standard in the entertainment industry for PBR (Physically Based Rendering) material authoring. This program allows you to create materials with complete control and unlimited variations, edit texture sets instantly, and produce Substance textures and MDL materials that can be directly used in your renderer or game engine.

Substance Designer offers a comprehensive set of tools and filters designed to adapt to various workflows, including photogrammetry. It features procedural node-based non-linear workflows, allowing changes to any step without losing your current work.

Key Features of Allegorithmic Substance Designer
Versatile Material Creation: Create Substance files tweakable in context and produce tileable textures up to 8K size with 32-bit floating precision.
MDL Material Production: Produce MDL materials compatible with Iray, V-Ray, and Adobe Felix.
High-Resolution Assets: Access physically based, high-resolution, and tweakable assets for texturing.
Community Content: Download and share community-created content under Creative Commons 4.0 Public License.
Real-time Viewport: Real-time physically based viewport with Iray path tracing.
Node-based Workflow: Enjoy a non-destructive workflow with a node-based system.
Advanced Tools and Filters: Utilize powerful generators, tools, and filters including Crop Tool, Color Equalizer Tool, and Extract Channels filters.
Integrated Bakers: Full-featured bakers integrated within the software.
Photogrammetry Workflow: Adapted tools and filters for photogrammetry workflows.
Comprehensive Import Options: Import procedural SBS and sbsar files, hand-painted images, photographs, scans, and geometry (.fbx & .obj).
Automatic Tiling: Automatic handling of tiling.
System Requirements and Technical Details
Minimum Requirements:

OS: Windows 7 / 8 / 10 / 11 - 64-bit
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: VRAM 2GB
DirectX: Version 10
Recommended Requirements:

OS: Windows 7 / 8 / 10 / 11 - 64-bit
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: VRAM 4GB
DirectX: Version 10
How to Download and Install Adobe Substance Designer
Download: Click on the provided direct download link or use the torrent link to download Adobe Substance Designer.
Install: Open the installer file and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
Launch: Once installed, launch Adobe Substance Designer and start creating and editing your 3D materials.
Adobe Substance Designer is a powerful tool for 3D material creation and scan processing, offering extensive features and a user-friendly interface for professionals in the entertainment industry. With its comprehensive set of tools and real-time feedback capabilities, Substance Designer enables you to produce high-quality, photorealistic 3D materials efficiently.
13 февраля, четверг
Имя: Charlesron
Free Download Adobe Illustrator CC Pre-Activated Offline Installer
Adobe Illustrator CC is the industry-standard vector graphics software that enables you to create stunning logos, icons, drawings, typography, and illustrations for various media, including print, web, video, and mobile. This pre-activated offline installer, along with a portable version, offers a seamless installation experience for professional designers and artists.

Overview of Adobe Illustrator CC:
Adobe Illustrator CC is a professional solution for designing high-quality vector-based illustrations. It is perfect for creating posters, business cards, brochures, websites, menus, and more. Illustrator allows you to manage and group up to 100 large drawings in a single file, making it a versatile tool for complex projects. It supports all major formats such as EPS, FXG, PSD, TIFF, GIF, JPEG, SWF, SVG, DWG, and DXF.

With features like package files, you can bundle all necessary fonts and graphics in one folder for easy sharing. Additionally, Illustrator supports multi-page PDF documents with layers, ensuring your designs are ready for print.

Key Features of Adobe Illustrator CC:
Iconic Work at Any Size: Create sharp, crisp graphics at any size.
Gorgeous Typography: Advanced tools for creating beautiful, impactful text.
Draw Attention Everywhere: Versatile tools for web, video, and mobile design.
Pro Power Comes as Standard: Industry-leading tools and features for professional results.
Freeform Gradients: Create rich color blends for more natural-looking artwork.
Global Editing: Make changes across multiple artboards.
Customizable Toolbar: Organize tools to suit your workflow.
Presentation and Trim Preview: See and present designs exactly as intended.
Visual Font Browsing: Easily find and apply the perfect font.
More Accessible Adobe Fonts: Direct access to Adobe's extensive font library.
Scaling to Fit Your Monitor: Adjust the UI for better visibility.
Actual Size Preview: View designs at their intended size.
Puppet Warp Enhancement: Easily manipulate vector graphics.
System Requirements and Technical Details:
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon 64 processor
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 with Service Pack 1, Windows 8.1, or Windows 10
RAM: 2 GB (8 GB recommended) for 64-bit
Hard Disk Space: 2 GB of available space for installation; additional free space required during installation (cannot install on removable flash storage devices)
Display: 1024 x 768 display (1280 x 800 recommended)
Adobe Illustrator CC is an essential tool for graphic designers and artists, offering powerful vector graphic creation capabilities. With its comprehensive features and support for various formats, Illustrator ensures your designs are versatile and professional. Download the pre-activated offline installer and portable version to enhance your creative workflow.
13 февраля, четверг
Имя: Michalehoafe
Overview of DeepSeek - AI Assistant APK Free Download
It is a cutting-edge application that brings artificial intelligence to your fingertips. Powered by the advanced DeepSeek-V3 model with over 600 billion parameters, the app matches the performance of top-tier global AI systems. It provides users an efficient, fast, and intelligent experience, perfect for answering queries, automating tasks, and personalizing assistance.

This app is designed for modern users who need quick solutions and accurate insights. Whether you're seeking answers, guidance, or help with everyday tasks, it ensures a seamless experience with advanced AI technology. Its intuitive interface and robust features make it suitable for anyone, from students to professionals.

Features of the App
Intelligent Q&A: Get precise answers to your questions in real time.
Task Automation: Automate daily tasks like reminders, scheduling, and more.
Personalized Assistance: Tailored suggestions and support based on your preferences.
Multilingual Support: Communicate in multiple languages for a global experience.
Fast Response Times: Enjoy rapid processing with cutting-edge AI technology.
Ad-Free Experience: Navigate the app without interruptions, ensuring maximum focus.
Seamless Integration: Easily integrate with other apps and tools on your device.
Voice Interaction: Interact with the AI using voice commands for hands-free convenience.
Privacy Focused: Your data is securely processed with strict privacy measures.
Regular Updates: Benefit from continuous improvements and new features.
System Requirements
Android 5.0+
DeepSeek - AI Assistant is a powerful tool for anyone seeking intelligent support in their daily tasks. The app's advanced AI technology ensures fast and accurate responses, enhancing productivity and convenience. Its user-friendly design and robust features make it an essential app for Android users.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: Is it free to use?
A: The app is free to download and use.

Q: What makes it unique?
A: It is powered by the DeepSeek-V3 model with over 600 billion parameters, offering unmatched AI capabilities.

Q: Can I use voice commands with this app?
A: Yes, the app supports voice interaction for hands-free convenience.

Q: Does the app work offline?
A: No, the app requires an internet connection to process your requests effectively.

Q: Is my data safe with this app?
A: The app is privacy-focused, ensuring secure and confidential data processing.
13 февраля, четверг
Имя: Robertthype
Overview of Topaz Labs AI Gigapixel
Topaz Labs AI Gigapixel is the first and only desktop application to use the power of artificial intelligence to enlarge your images while adding natural details for a sharper and more impressive result. This advanced software can use deep learning technology to enlarge images and fill in details that other resizing products leave out, providing breathtakingly sharp prints, high-resolution cropping, and more.

Key Benefits of Topaz Labs AI Gigapixel
AI Gigapixel stands out due to its ability to enlarge images up to 600% while maintaining the quality, clarity, and image details. This capability makes it ideal for various applications, including:

High DPI image conversions for large prints.
Enlarging extensive crops into existing photos for perfect composition.
Enhancing images taken from drones or smartphones.
Making iPhone photos look like they were taken with a DSLR.
Features of Topaz Labs AI Gigapixel
Resize Images to Desired Size: Easily resize images without losing quality.
Maintain Quality, Clarity, and Image Details: Ensures that the resized images retain their original details and sharpness.
Batch Resizing: Change the size of a batch of images simultaneously.
High Scale Enlargement: Scale images up to 600%.
System Requirements and Technical Details
Supported OS: Windows 7/8/10/11
RAM: 8 GB RAM (16 GB recommended)
GPU VRAM: 2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended)
Free Hard Disk Space: 10 GB or more
How to Download and Install Topaz Labs AI Gigapixel
Download: Click on the provided download link to get the Topaz Labs AI Gigapixel installer for Windows.
Install: Open the downloaded installer file and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process.
Launch: Once installed, launch Topaz Labs AI Gigapixel and start enhancing your images.
Topaz Labs AI Gigapixel is an essential tool for photographers and graphic designers who need to upscale their images without losing quality. Its use of artificial intelligence ensures that the enlarged images retain their natural details and sharpness, making it the best photo enlargement product available. Download Topaz Labs AI Gigapixel for Windows today and experience the power of AI in image resizing.
13 февраля, четверг
Имя: BennyBof
Overview of Adobe Acrobat Reader DC
Adobe Acrobat Reader DC is connected to the Adobe Document Cloud, making it easier than ever to work across computers and mobile devices. It's the only PDF viewer that can open and interact with all types of PDF content, including forms and multimedia.

Adobe Acrobat Reader DC is a reimagined desktop version of the world's best PDF solution. With it, you can create, export, edit, and track PDFs from anywhere, staying connected to recent files across all your devices.

One of the standout features of Adobe Reader DC is its ability to work with CAD designs and geospatial maps converted to Portable Document Format. The application also offers a comprehensive file-searching engine that finds any element within a PDF file in seconds.

The Preferences area allows you to modify various settings, including comments, 3D and multimedia, measuring and reading options, and spelling or page unit configurations.

Features of Adobe Acrobat Reader DC
Clean Feature Lineup: Easy-to-use interface with powerful features.
Supported File Formats and Fast Searches: Efficiently handles various PDF files and quickly locates specific elements.
Security Tools: Protects your documents with advanced security features.
Configuration Settings: Customize settings for comments, multimedia, measurements, and more.
A Top PDF Viewer on the Market: Trusted by millions of users worldwide.
System Requirements and Technical Details
Supported OS: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7
RAM (Memory): 2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended)
Free Hard Disk Space: 2 GB or more
How to Download and Install Adobe Acrobat Reader DC 2024
Download: Use the provided direct download or torrent links to download the Adobe Acrobat Reader DC 2024 installer for Windows.
Install: Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
Launch: Open Adobe Acrobat Reader DC and start viewing, signing, commenting on, and sharing your PDFs.
Adobe Acrobat Reader DC 2024 is the ultimate PDF viewer for all your document needs. With its comprehensive features and user-friendly interface, it is perfect for both personal and professional use. Download Adobe Acrobat Reader DC 2024 today and experience the best PDF solution available.
13 февраля, четверг
Имя: LeonelNog
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13 февраля, четверг
Имя: ManuelLar
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Free Download Adobe Photoshop CC 2024 Pre-Activated
Adobe Photoshop CC 2024 is the premier imaging and graphic design software, renowned for its powerful tools and advanced features that cater to photographers, designers, and artists. This version comes pre-activated, providing a hassle-free installation experience, and includes a portable version for added convenience.

Overview of Adobe Photoshop CC 2024:
Adobe Photoshop CC 2024 offers the most advanced tools for image editing and creative design, significantly enhancing performance and usability. This version allows users to edit images with exceptional precision and provides intuitive tools for creating 3D graphics, 2D projects, and films. Whether you’re a professional photographer, a graphic designer, or an illustrator, Photoshop CC 2024 has everything you need to bring your creative ideas to life.

Key Features of Adobe Photoshop CC 2024:
Frame Tool for Easy Masking: Quickly create and manage image masks.
Content-Aware Fill Reimagined: Improved tool for seamless object removal and background replacement.
New Multiple Undo Mode: Enhanced undo functionality for efficient editing.
Usability Improvements: Streamlined interface and workflow enhancements.
Transform Proportionally by Default: Easier scaling of objects while maintaining proportions.
Prevent Accidental Panel Moves with Lock Workspace: Secure your workspace layout.
Live Blend Mode Preview: Instantly see the effects of blend modes on your image.
Symmetry Mode: Create perfectly symmetrical patterns and designs.
Color Wheel to Choose Colors: Easily select and experiment with colors.
Improved In-App Learning: Enhanced tutorials and guides within the application.
Preference to Increase UI Size: Customize the interface size for better visibility.
Support for Southeast Asian Scripts: Expanded language support.
Modernized Compositing Engine: Improved performance for complex projects.
System Requirements and Technical Details:
Processor: Intel or AMD processor with 64-bit support; 2 GHz or faster processor
Operating System: Windows 10 or later
RAM: 2 GB or more of RAM (8 GB recommended)
Hard Disk Space: 3.1 GB or more of available hard disk space for 64-bit installation; additional free space required during installation (cannot install on a volume that uses a case-sensitive file system)
Monitor Resolution: 1024 x 768 display (1280 x 800 recommended) with 16-bit color and 512 MB or more of dedicated VRAM; 2 GB is recommended
Graphics Processor Acceleration Requirements: OpenGL 2.0-capable system
Adobe Photoshop CC 2024 pre-activated version offers a comprehensive set of tools for professional-grade image editing, graphic design, and digital art creation. With its advanced features and user-friendly interface, it empowers users to achieve their creative visions effortlessly. Download now to experience the cutting-edge capabilities of Adobe Photoshop CC 2024.
14 февраля, пятница
Имя: Davidpruth
Overview of Microsoft Windows XP Professional:
Windows XP Professional SP3 offers safer browsing, powerful security tools, and improved user experiences. It unifies the Microsoft range by building on the stable NT/2000 code base, making it a significant upgrade for users of the older 9x and Me lines.

Key Features:
Automatic Installation: Seamless installation process with integrated updates and patches.
Enhanced Security: Safer browsing and communication with powerful security tools.
Unified Code Base: Built on the stable NT/2000 code base, offering improved performance and reliability.
Integrated Drivers: Includes more than 350MB of optional LAN, WLAN, Chipset, SATA/AHCI, and NVMe drivers.
Updates and Integrations:
Updates Integrated: Latest updates up to April 9, 2019.
.NET Framework 1.1-4.0: Includes language packs.
Visual C++ 2005-2019: Updated as of January 15, 2021.
DirectX 9c: Updated June 2010 version.
Internet Explorer 8: Integrated for improved browsing.
Windows Media Player 11: Integrated for enhanced media experience.
Adobe Flash Player: Integrated.
AHCI/SATA Drivers: Included for better hardware compatibility.
Root Certificates: Updated for August 2022.
HD Wallpapers and Themes: Updated several wallpapers to HD quality and added official themes.
Additional Features:
Kernel Patch: During installation, a system kernel patch is applied, allowing the use of more than 4 GB of RAM (up to 128 GB).
Audit Mode: Systems were in audit mode during the installation process.
Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP3 ISO Integral Edition is an ideal choice for users seeking a reliable, secure, and enhanced computing experience. With the latest updates, drivers, and features, this edition ensures optimal performance and security.

Download now and experience the robust capabilities of Windows XP Professional SP3 Integral Edition. Enjoy the latest updates, enhanced security, and improved user experience tailored for both businesses and individuals.
14 февраля, пятница
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14 февраля, пятница
Имя: Rolandnop
Présentation de CCleaner
CCleaner Professional est un outil complet conçu pour nettoyer votre PC des fichiers inutiles, supprimer les cookies et vider automatiquement les caches des navigateurs. Il fonctionne silencieusement en arrière-plan et aide à maintenir votre système optimisé, sécurisé et privé.

CCleaner est l’outil numéro un pour nettoyer votre PC sous Windows, protéger votre confidentialité en ligne et rendre votre ordinateur plus rapide et plus sécurisé. Grâce à son interface conviviale, même les débutants peuvent optimiser leur système en un seul clic. Pour les utilisateurs avancés, il propose une gamme de fonctionnalités avancées.

Cet outil d’optimisation du système et de protection de la vie privée supprime les fichiers inutilisés, permettant ainsi à Windows de fonctionner plus rapidement et de libérer de l’espace précieux sur le disque dur. Il efface également les traces de votre activité en ligne, comme l’historique Internet.

CCleaner peut être exécuté à partir d’un lecteur USB et installé ou lancé sur un ordinateur sans processus d’installation compliqué. Vous pouvez spécifier les fichiers, dossiers et clés de registre à ignorer lors du nettoyage. Il s’agit d’un outil rapide qui s’exécute généralement en moins d’une seconde et ne contient ni spyware ni adware.

Fonctionnalités de CCleaner
✅ Nettoyage automatique des navigateurs : Efface vos navigateurs automatiquement lorsque vous les fermez.
✅ Mises à jour automatiques : Télécharge et installe la dernière version dès qu’elle est disponible.
✅ Exécution en arrière-plan : Faites fonctionner CCleaner en arrière-plan lorsque vous n’utilisez pas votre ordinateur.
✅ Suppression des fichiers inutiles : Élimine les fichiers temporaires et inutiles qui occupent de l’espace et ralentissent votre PC.
✅ Gestion du démarrage : Empêche les applications de se lancer au démarrage de votre PC pour améliorer sa rapidité.
✅ Nettoyage des applications Windows : Supprime même les applications Windows par défaut que vous ne souhaitez pas conserver.
✅ Défragmentation du disque : Optimise votre disque dur pour de meilleures performances.
✅ Récupération de fichiers : Récupérez facilement les fichiers supprimés.
✅ Inventaire matériel : Fournit des informations détaillées sur votre matériel.

Configuration requise et détails techniques
Systèmes d’exploitation pris en charge : Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7
RAM (Mémoire) : 2 Go (4 Go recommandés)
Espace libre sur le disque dur : 500 Mo ou plus
Comment télécharger et installer CCleaner
Télécharger : Cliquez sur le lien de téléchargement fourni pour obtenir CCleaner Professional / Business / Technician pour Windows.
Installer : Exécutez le programme d’installation téléchargé et suivez les instructions à l’écran.
Lancer : Ouvrez CCleaner et commencez à optimiser votre système en un seul clic.
CCleaner Professional / Business / Technician est un outil essentiel pour garder votre PC Windows propre, rapide et sécurisé. Grâce à sa large gamme de fonctionnalités et à son interface conviviale, il convient aussi bien aux débutants qu’aux utilisateurs avancés.
Download: https://filessoft.net/apps/ccleaner
15 февраля, суббота
Имя: Shtori s elektroprivodom_jpKn
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15 февраля, суббота
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15 февраля, суббота
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16 февраля, воскресенье
Имя: ScottDug
????? ????? ?? Adobe Audition ?????? ?????? ???? ????? ????????

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16 февраля, воскресенье
Имя: Jamesastow
Free Download Adobe Premiere Pro CC Pre-Activated Offline Installer for Windows
Adobe Premiere Pro CC for Windows is the premier video editing software used by professionals worldwide. This pre-activated offline installer offers a hassle-free installation, providing users with a powerful tool for creating high-quality video content.

Overview of Adobe Premiere Pro CC for Windows:
Adobe Premiere Pro CC provides breakthrough performance for video production, allowing you to work faster thanks to the revolutionary native 64-bit, GPU-accelerated Adobe Mercury Playback Engine. This software includes advanced color, audio, and graphics tools and works seamlessly with other Adobe apps and services like After Effects, Audition, and Adobe Stock.

Premiere Pro also includes the all-new Premiere Rush CC, an all-in-one app that works across your devices. Capture footage on your phone, edit and share on social channels, or open your Rush files in Premiere Pro for further editing.

Key Features of Adobe Premiere Pro CC for Windows:
Mercury Playback Engine: GPU-accelerated engine for faster performance.
High-Fidelity Interchange: Seamless integration with other Adobe apps and services.
Sync Settings: Sync your settings across different devices.
Multicam Editing: Edit footage from multiple cameras with ease.
Project and Media Management: Efficiently manage your projects and media files.
Broad Format Support: Supports a wide range of video formats.
End-to-End Metadata Workflow: Streamline your video editing workflow.
Greater Audience Reach: Create content optimized for various platforms.
Mobile Editing with Premiere Rush: Edit videos on-the-go with Premiere Rush CC.
End-to-End VR 180: Comprehensive support for VR 180 video editing.
Intelligent Audio Cleanup: Clean up audio tracks with advanced tools.
Data-Driven Infographics: Create dynamic infographics with Motion Graphics templates.
Adobe Stock Enhancements: Access high-quality stock assets directly within the app.
Creative Cloud Library Improvements: Enhanced library features for better organization.
Theater Mode in Adobe Immersive Environment: Experience your edits in an immersive theater mode.
Australian Closed-Captioning Standard: Support for Australian closed-captioning standards.
System Requirements and Technical Details:
Supported OS: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7
Processor: Multicore Intel Series or above, Xeon or AMD equivalent
RAM: 4GB (8GB or more recommended)
Free Hard Disk Space: 4GB or more recommended
Adobe Premiere Pro CC is the ultimate video editing software for creating high-quality content for film, TV, and the web. With its advanced features and seamless integration with other Adobe apps, it provides a comprehensive solution for professional video editing. Download now to experience the full capabilities of Adobe Premiere Pro CC.
17 февраля, понедельник
Имя: mostbet kirgizstan_orOt
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17 февраля, понедельник
Имя: Georgechisa
Free Download Adobe Prelude CC 2022 for Windows
Adobe Prelude CC 2022 is a powerful video transfer and registration tool designed to streamline the production process. This software helps organize and optimize your workflow, allowing you to transfer file-based sequences, encode them to virtually any format, and rename clips efficiently. With Adobe Prelude, you can add key metadata during the transfer using customizable templates.

Overview of Adobe Prelude 2022
Adobe Prelude is seamlessly integrated with other Adobe video tools, ensuring a smooth video production process from start to finish. The software offers an efficient transfer, verification, and management of video sequences through a simple user interface. You can add direction and organization comments to specific sequences via media labeling and create initial assemblies that flow seamlessly into Adobe Premiere Pro.

Key Features of Adobe Prelude 2022
Visual Editor Shortcut: Streamline editing with intuitive shortcuts.
Improved Audio Channel Matching: Enhance audio synchronization.
Voice Over: Easily add voiceovers to your sequences.
Transitions at Pre-Assembly: Integrate transitions during the initial assembly.
Tagging Shortcuts: Efficiently tag sequences with customizable shortcuts.
HiDPI Support: Enjoy an improved user interface with high-resolution display support.
Multiple Audio Tracks: Support for multiple audio track integration.
Entry and Exit Points: Set specific in and out points for clips.
File Conversion on Insertion: Automatically convert files when inserting.
Color-Coded Tags: Easily distinguish tags with color codes.
Cinema Playback Mode: Utilize a cinema-style playback mode.
Hover Thumbnails: Preview thumbnails by hovering over clips.
File Renaming on Insertion: Rename files during the insertion process.
Metadata Integration: Convert scripts into metadata using Adobe Story integration.
Collaboration with Adobe Anywhere: Collaborate seamlessly using Adobe Anywhere.
Metadata Support for Sony XMPilot: Efficient metadata support for Sony devices.
64-bit File Support: Compatible with 64-bit files on both Windows and Mac OS.
Export Pre-Installation: Export projects before installation.
Searchable Metadata: Metadata is searchable across all fields.
Full and Partial Insertion: Insert entire clips or specific segments.
Multi-Format Transcoding: Transcode to multiple formats during the insertion process.
Fast Material Marking: Quickly mark materials for easy access.
Workflow Integration: Integrates with virtually any workflow.
Advanced Material Collections: Create advanced collections of materials.
Thumbnail Scrolling: Scroll through thumbnails in the insert dialog box.
Custom Markers: Use customizable markers for precise editing.
Adjustable Import Metadata: Customize metadata settings during import.
Customizable Extensibility: Extend the software’s functionality with customizations.
System Requirements and Technical Details
Processor: Intel 6thGen or newer CPU
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit) version 1703 or later (required)
RAM: 16 GB of RAM (32 GB recommended), 4 GB of GPU VRAM
Hard Disk Space: Fast internal SSD (recommended) for app installation and cache – plus provisional space for media
Monitor Resolution: 1920 x 1080 or greater display resolution
Hard Drive Speed: 7200 RPM or faster hard drive (multiple fast disk drives recommended)
GPU: Adobe-certified GPU card for GPU-accelerated performance
How to Download and Install Adobe Prelude CC 2022
Download: Click the provided direct download link to download Adobe Prelude CC 2022 for Windows.
Install: Open the installer file and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
Launch: Once installed, launch Adobe Prelude CC 2022 and start optimizing your video production workflow.
Adobe Prelude CC 2022 is an essential tool for video professionals, providing efficient transfer, management, and editing of video sequences. With its robust features and seamless integration with Adobe Premiere Pro, Prelude streamlines your workflow and enhances your productivity. Download Adobe Prelude CC 2022 today to take your video production to the next level.
Download: https://geckies.net/apps/adobe-prelude
17 февраля, понедельник
Имя: Mostbet_omPr
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Вчера, 10:23
Имя: CharlesCek
Free Download Adobe XD CC Pre-Activated Offline Installer for Windows PC
Free Download Adobe XD CC Pre-Activated Offline Installer full version for Windows PC. Adobe XD, also known as Adobe Experience Design, is the all-in-one UX/UI solution for designing websites, mobile apps, and more. The new Starter plan for XD makes it fast, easy — and free.

Overview of Adobe XD CC Benefits
Adobe XD (Adobe Experience Design) is built for today's UX/UI designers, offering intuitive tools that eliminate speed bumps and make everyday tasks feel effortless. Get started with free UI kits, icon sets, and everything you need to create unique user experiences.

Adobe XD is natively designed for Mac and Windows and is part of Creative Cloud. It delivers peak performance, precision, and smooth integration with apps like Photoshop and Illustrator, regardless of the platform you use.

Now you can bring your Photoshop and Sketch files into Adobe XD simply by opening them inside the app. Your designs automatically convert into XD files, allowing you to quickly get your prototypes up and running.

Overview of Adobe XD CC Features
Eliminate Tedious Tasks with Repeat Grid: Create and replicate lists, photo galleries, and other repeating elements quickly and effortlessly.
Fast, Versatile Artboards: Design and prototype at the speed of thought with artboards that adapt to different screen sizes and resolutions.
Reimagined Layers and Symbols: Organize your designs with new layers and symbols that simplify your workflow.
Powerful Tools that are Easy to Use: Access intuitive tools that make designing more efficient and enjoyable.
Control and Customize Your Experience: Personalize your design environment to fit your needs.
Get Feedback Faster to Iterate Faster: Share your prototypes and get feedback in real-time to make quick improvements.
Smooth and Speedy on Mac or PC: Enjoy a seamless experience on both Mac and Windows platforms.
System Requirements and Technical Details
Supported OS: Windows 11 / Windows 10 / Windows 8.1 / Windows 7
Processor: Multicore Intel Series or above, Xeon or AMD equivalent
RAM: 4GB (8GB or more recommended)
Free Hard Disk Space: 4GB or more recommended
Adobe XD CC is a comprehensive tool for UX/UI designers, offering a blend of powerful features and intuitive design capabilities. Whether you're working on websites, mobile apps, or other digital experiences, Adobe XD makes the process smooth and efficient. Download Adobe XD CC Pre-Activated Offline Installer for Windows PC today and elevate your design projects.
Download: https://geckies.net/apps/adobe-xd
Вчера, 13:30
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